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We have had Kayak designs for quite a few years and they were mainly used for a small charity project we were involved with and produced as kits for them. Now we've added them to our plans options.

The designs we have ready with DIY plans drawn up are our basic designs and others will be added as we get the plans completed.

These first designs are simpler designs making them easier for the DIY builder with no tight curves to deal with. 


Drawing 1.jpg

Kayak "Betty"

Length 12' - 6" (3.81m)
Beam 2' - 6" (0.689m)
Dry Weigtht approximately 45LBS (21kg)
Maximum Load 400lbs (182kg)

A simple, basic kayak originally designed for a boat building project offering boat building course several years ago. Available as A3 plans only for now but we should get the Full Size Patterns done soon.

With a flat bottom and deck with one plank per side it is a fairly easy build. 


Kayak "Chloe"

Length 12' - 6" (3.81m)
Beam 2' - 8" (0.711m)
Dry Weigtht approximately 45LBS (21kg)
Maximum Load 400lbs (182kg)

Also originally designed for a boat building project offering boat building course several years ago. It has two planks per side giving a slightly rounder hull. Available as A3 plans only for now but we should get the Full Size Patterns done soon.

The extra plank still makes this a fairly easy build. 

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